Friday, December 23, 2022

Professor Claus Schneider (Vanderbilt University)


Professor Claus Schneider is a researcher born in Germany. His degree in food chemistry was followed by a Ph.D. in the same discipline obtained in 1997 at the University of Wuerzburg (Germany). In 1998, Prof. Schneider moved to Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) in the United States of America to work under the supervision of Prof. Alan Brash. He is now a professor of pharmacology that leads a research group focused on the study of newly discovered eicosanoids (named hemiketals) formed by the biosynthetic cross-over of the 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways. Over the past decade, he and his research group at Vanderbilt University have made discoveries regarding the formation and biological effects of hemiketal eicosanoids. In 2014, Dr. Giménez-Bastida joined Prof. Schneider´s laboratory in order to branch out his knowledge from food science to pharmacology. The discoveries published during the time Dr. Giménez-Bastida and Prof. Schneider worked together, along with the good personal relation they keep set the basis of an interesting collaboration that is reflected in some of the publications of the PolyBiota project.

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